Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Today i created a vimeo account. I used my yahoo email to create it .
i did not use the same password that i have for yahoo , i used a different password from a different site that i currently use .

Friday, February 10, 2012

Digital plagiarism


 My reflection towards the IB learner profile was good . i achived my score to a 100% . I hope i highered my grade because i had a 70 something in this class.
 i Created my own survey on the movie i did called digital plagiarism. When i created this movie , it went good, but some people may have not understood it because they dont think that plagiarizing is bad but to tell you the honest truth , you can literally go to jail and be kicked out of college for something that you'd regret doing.
 Next time when i do a movie , i'll make sure that i do a little bitter on it so people can understand what im saying,  like the message that im trying to send to them .
When i took the test on the IB learner profiles , i got a 100% .
 i understood evey step that they were saying  and hopefully i dont forget and mess up like i used to when i took a test and failed , hopefully my grades keep getting higher not lower.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

reflection on grade . (2)

science- 71
 On these 2 subjects i would like to get an 80% or higher because i know i can do better than i did on the tests. i should've of studied to get a better grade.
 i just improve on risk-taker to ask questions and not be scared also ,
i can work on principled, to keep everything organized like my papers and my notes .
to always do my homework and note forget, to assign myself everyday !
i can also work on being more helpful towards other to get better grades i guess.
 i think that maybe all the stress that people give me can be really upsetting because you think about other things and when this stuff happens you forget about homework and you really don't pay attention in class.
 i should be more focuse in class and not get distracted by my peers at all , no matter what.
im going to improve on my math class by studying and paying attention. to ask questions on something i don't understand . and to keep trying until i get my things right.
In science, im going to study my note cards when we have a test because it can be a little challenge getting things correct. you might not understand it that much but its worth a try.
social studes- 92
i'm doing pretty good in this class because i do understand what he's teaching us.
i could be a better communicator to figure out how the war started and how it finished, to see what leaders they had.
LA - no grade
 i think i have a pretty good grade but theres a chance were my grade could go down because i have failed the anne frank quizes.
 i should read it and keep up with everyone else to get a very good grade.

Reflection on grade

My reflection on my grade is not that good because i got a 79% . just away from one point to get an 80%.
 I could've done better to get better grades, i couldve studied to get a higher grade on the design cycle. next time i know that i need to study extra hard to get the grade i deserve.
 i should learn every step of the design cycle and also the order in which it goes.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Today , on a scale of 1-6, in attitudes of technology, i rate myself a 7 because i understood what i was doing working with the process of the design cycle. on my project im currently on the planning part and on the create.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I'm gathering information on plagiarism .

1 . http://www.plagiarism.org/
  On this site it tells me what plagiarism is about . Plagiarism is copying another person's work that they find alone . or otherwise also borrowing someone else's ideas. A teacher that has read a paper and notices that he had read it online may think that the student had plagiarized . 

2. http://freelancefolder.com/the-uncomfortable-facts-about-plagiarism/
On this site i found out that many writers , photographers , and other web designers that find their work on some other persons blog they had been plagiarized and that they don't seem to be very happy about that , they said that it would've been nice if they had asked for permission . 

3. http://www.indiana.edu/~wts/pamphlets/plagiarism.shtml
on this site it gives me examples of what plagiarism is and how people or artists see  their work online , like for a example on youtube on copyrighted videos the would put copyrighted on the description box. 

4. http://www.scanmyessay.com/plagiarism/facts-about-plagiarism.php
on this website i found facts about plagiarism . it says that if any student in college that copies another persons work can be either kicked out of college and go to jail . 

on this site i found a story about a person that was accused of plagiarism . 
it also talks about how the person that was accused felt about being someone that has officially plagiarized. and they talk about how that person did the plagiarism on book . 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Topic sentence

topic sentence 1 : first, angelina jolie volunteered in helping africa.
topic sentence 2 : furthermore, jolie is  also a hero because she donated $1 million to the people in need.
topic sentence 3 : last, angelina jolie is also considered as a hero because jolie adopted kids.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Most people consider Angelina Jolie as a hero because she volunteered and donated money to the kids in need for cancer, she also donated $1 million to the site called partner with a star finally she is an actor in many good movies.